Statement of changes in equity


€ million

Subscribed capital Capital reserves Equity earned by the Cooperative Financial Network Reserve from other comprehensive income Additional equity components
Equity as at Jan. 1, 2019 12,332 722 91,259 863
Net profit 6,876
Other comprehensive income/loss –486 1,413
Total comprehensive income 6,390 1,413
Issue and repayment of equity 587 44 114
Changes in the scope of consolidation 3 –7
Acquisition/disposal of non-controlling interests 28
Reclassifications within equity 285 –285
Dividends paid –354
Equity as at Dec. 31, 2019 12,919 766 97,611 1,984 114
Net profit 4,930
Other comprehensive income/loss –228 561
Total comprehensive income 4,702 561
Issue and repayment of equity 695 –3
Changes in the scope of consolidation
Acquisition/disposal of non-controlling interests –44 –1
Reclassifications within equity 44 –44
Dividends paid –216
Distribution on additional equity components –2
Equity as at Dec. 31, 2020 13,614 766 102,095 2,500 111


€ million

Equity of the Cooperative Financial Network Noncontrolling interests Total equity
Equity as at Jan. 1, 2019 105,176 2,528 107,704
Net profit 6,876 170 7,046
Other comprehensive income/loss 927 128 1,055
Total comprehensive income 7,803 298 8,101
Issue and repayment of equity 745 8 753
Changes in the scope of consolidation –4 –4
Acquisition/disposal of non-controlling interests 28 –166 –138
Reclassifications within equity
Dividends paid –354 –49 –403
Equity as at Dec. 31, 2019 113,394 2,619 116,013
Net profit 4,930 104 5,034
Other comprehensive income/loss 333 44 377
Total comprehensive income 5,263 148 5,411
Issue and repayment of equity 692 –22 670
Changes in the scope of consolidation 5 5
Acquisition/disposal of non-controlling interests –45 –17 –62
Reclassifications within equity
Dividends paid –216 –29 –245
Distribution on additional equity components –2 –2
Equity as at Dec. 31, 2020 119,086 2,704 121,790

The composition of equity is detailed in Note 33.