B Selected disclosures of interests in other entities
3. Investments in subsidiaries
Share in the business operations of the Cooperative Financial Network attributable to non-controlling interests
DZ BANK AG Deutsche Zentral-Genossenschaftsbank (DZ BANK) is included in the consolidated financial statements together with its respective subsidiaries as a subgroup. DZ BANK is focused on its customers and owners, the local cooperative banks, as central institution, commercial bank and holding company. The objective of this focus is to sustainably expand the position of the Cooperative Financial Network as one of the leading bancassurance groups in Germany.
The shares of DZ BANK, with its headquarters in Frankfurt/Main, Germany, are held by the cooperative banks and by MHB, with ownership interests amounting to 95.1 percent (2020: 95.0 percent). The remaining shares of 4.9 percent (2020: 5.0 percent) are attributable to shareholders that are not part of the Cooperative Financial Network. The pro-rata share in net profit attributable to non-controlling interests amounted to €186 million (2020: €103 million). The carrying amount of non-controlling interests amounted to €1,891 million (2020: €2,702 million). In the financial year under review, the dividend payment made to non-controlling interests amounts to €42 million (2020: €29 million).
Nature and extent of significant limitations
National regulatory requirements, contractual provisions, and provisions of company law restrict the ability of the DZ BANK Group companies included in the consolidated financial statements to transfer assets within the group. Where restrictions can be specifically assigned to individual line items on the balance sheet, the carrying amounts of the assets and liabilities subject to restrictions on the balance sheet date are shown in the following table:
Dec. 31, 2021 € million | Dec. 31, 2020 € million | |
Assets | 108,619 | 100,934 |
Loans and advances to banks | 1,870 | 2,4901 |
Loans and advances to customers | 5,327 | 2,7171 |
Investments | 1,882 | 2,0141 |
Investments held by insurance companies | 99,074 | 93,2041 |
Other assets | 467 | 509 |
Liabilities | 162,897 | 156,385 |
Deposits from banks | 1,755 | 1,7991 |
Deposits from customers | 66,222 | 64,7091 |
Provisions | 1,398 | 1,443 |
Insurance liabilities | 93,522 | 88,434 |
1 Amount adjusted.
Nature of the risks associated with interests in consolidated structured entities
Risks arising from interests in consolidated structured entities largely result from loans to fully consolidated funds within the DZ BANK Group, some of which are extended in the form of junior loans.
4. Interests in joint arrangements and investments in associates
Nature, extent and financial effects of interests in joint arrangements
The carrying amount of individually immaterial joint ventures accounted for using the equity method totaled €329 million as at the balance sheet date (2020: €309 million).
Aggregated financial information for joint ventures accounted for using the equity method that individually are not material:
2021 € million | 2020 € million | |
Share of profit/loss from continuing operations | 54 | 81 |
Share of other comprehensive income/loss | 42 | -2 |
Share of total comprehensive income | 96 | 79 |
Nature, extent and financial effects of interests in associates
The carrying amount of individually immaterial associates accounted for using the equity method totaled €72 million as at the balance sheet date (2020: €112 million).
Aggregated financial information for associates accounted for using the equity method that individually are not material:
2021 € million | 2020 € million | |
Share of profit/loss from continuing operations | -3 | -2 |
Share of other comprehensive income/loss | - | 1 |
Share of total comprehensive income | -3 | -1 |
Interests in unconsolidated structured entities
Structured entities are entities that have been designed so that voting rights or similar rights are not the dominant factor in deciding who controls the entity. The Cooperative Financial Network mainly distinguishes between the following types of interests in unconsolidated structured entities, based on their design and the related risks; these entities largely concern companies of the DZ BANK Group:
- Interests in investment funds issued by the Cooperative Financial Network
- Interests in investment funds not issued by the Cooperative Financial Network
- Interests in securitization vehicles
Interests in investment funds issued by the Cooperative Financial Network
The interests in the investment funds issued by the Cooperative Financial Network largely comprise investment funds issued by entities in the Union Investment Group in accordance with the contractual form model without voting rights and, to a lesser extent, those that are structured as a company with a separate legal personality. Furthermore, DVB Bank SE makes subordinated loans available to fully consolidated funds for the purpose of transport finance. In turn, these funds make subordinated loans or direct equity investments available to unconsolidated entities.
The maximum exposure of the investment funds issued and managed by the Cooperative Financial Network is determined as a gross value, excluding deduction of available collateral, and amounts to €8,505 million as at the reporting date (2020: €7,979 million). These investment fund assets resulted in losses of €24 million (2020: losses of €66 million) as well as income of €3,541 million (2020: €2,561 million).
Interests in investment funds not issued by the Cooperative Financial Network
The interests in the investment funds not issued by the Cooperative Financial Network above all comprise investment funds managed by entities in the Union Investment Group within the scope of their own decision-making powers and investment funds that have been issued by entities outside the Cooperative Financial Network and parts of such investment funds. Their total volume amounted to €44,013 million (2020: €39,836 million). Moreover, loans to investment funds are extended in order to generate interest income. In addition, there are investment funds issued by entities outside the Cooperative Financial Network in connection with unit-linked life insurance of the R+V Group (R+V) amounting to €13,679 million (2020: €10,056 million) that, however, do not result in a maximum exposure.
The maximum exposure arising of the investment funds not issued by the Cooperative Financial Network is determined as a gross value, excluding deduction of available collateral, and amounts to €7,846 million as at the reporting date (2020: €7,318 million). Income generated from these investment fund assets in the financial year 2021 amounted to €195 million (2020: €195 million).
Interests in securitization vehicles
The interests in securitization vehicles are interests in vehicles where the Cooperative Financial Network involvement goes beyond that of an investor.
The material interests in securitization vehicles comprise the two multi-seller asset-backed commercial paper (ABCP) programs: CORAL and AUTOBAHN. DZ BANK acts as sponsor and program agent for both programs. It is also the program administrator for AUTOBAHN.
The maximum exposure of the interests in securitization vehicles in the Cooperative Financial Network is determined as a gross value, excluding deduction of available collateral, and amounts to €4,909 million as at the reporting date (2020: €4,583 million). Income generated from these interests in the financial year 2021 amounted to €60 million (2020: €59 million).